Emotion Color Swatches are a cheap and easy way to teach kids different words for emotions and different degrees of emotions.
Here’s how to make them:
- Go to your local hardware store or pain store and get a variety of paint samples that show three or four different intensities of a color on one sheet (we used samples that showed four colors).
- On each sample, write words that represent varying degrees of emotions going from least intense (lightest color) to most intense (darkest color).
- You can make up your own groupings or use the ones we’ve developed which are shown below (you can access a printable copy of by clicking on the worksheet below). We grouped our emotions as well (e.g., red samples related to emotions in the “anger” category, yellow was “joyous” emotions, blue for emotions related to “sad” as so on).
- Once all of our samples were done, we bound them using a metal ring.
Here’s how to use them:
There are a number of ways you can use the Emotions Color Swatches to help teach kids about emotions: Continue reading