At Hope 4 Hurting Kids, we recognize that there are a wide variety of things that can give rise hurt and pain in a young persons life. Not all such circumstances would be considered traumatic, but there are millions and millions of kids and teens who have experienced trauma in their young lives including abuse, abandonment, domestic violence, natural disasters and more. This page is dedicated to helping young people deal with the traumas they face and the impacts of those traumas. We have included in this page destructive behaviors some young people engage in as a results of pain and trauma. If you would like to limit your search to a particular area, please click on one of the options below. (Note: there are a variety of family issues including divorce and family disruption which constitute trauma in a young person’s life. These are dealt with separately here on Hope 4 Hurting Kids and can be found here.)

Tell Me About When Moms and Dads Go to Jail by Judi Goozh and Sue Jeweler (An H4HK Review)

Did You Know (Children and Trauma)?

A Sample Church Policy on Reporting Suspected Abuse and Neglect

Sources of Additional Information on Child Abuse and Neglect

Reporting Suspected Child Abuse or Neglect

Rooting for the Underdog (Stand Up to Bullying)

How to Talk to an Abused or Neglected Child

What to Do If You Suspect Child Abuse or Neglect

Recognizing Signs of Potential Child Abuse and Neglect

Risks of Child Abuse and Neglect Based on Family Structure

Introduction to the National Incidence Study of Child Abuse and Neglect