About Us

The History of Hope 4 Hurting Kids

Logo - White - 300 x 150Welcome to the Hope 4 Hurting Kids. In the summer of 2011, the predecessor of Hope 4 Hurting Kids, Divorce Ministry 4 Kids, was launched to help teach and equip people to help kids deal with the trauma of family disruption. In 2013, Hope 4 Hurting Kids was launched as the ministry of Divorce Ministry 4 Kids began to expand to include children who were not from disrupted homes but were still dealing with hardship in their lives.

In the Autumn of 2016, Divorce Ministry 4 Kids was officially absorbed into Hope 4 Hurting Kids.

The Mission of Hope 4 Hurting Kids

The Mission Statement of Hope 4 Hurting Kids is:

“Hope 4 Hurting Kids exists to help young people who are experiencing hurt, trauma or adversity to find hope and healing.”

The purpose of Hope 4 Hurting Kids is to help these kids and teens dealing with hardships in their lives to move from a position of hurt to one of hope and healing. Through a combination of developing and providing useful information and resources to equip those already working with kids, teaching others how to help kids deal with these emotions, working directly with hurting kids and calling the church to action, our goal and our mission to shine the light of hope into the lives of young people everywhere.

The Bible tells us that:

The LORD is near to the brokenhearted and saves the crushed in spirit.

These words, and many like them in the Bible, remind us that God is the ultimate source of healing for children (and all people), and our churches owe it to these kids to be equipped to minister to them effectively. Our goal is to equip churches and children’s workers in those churches to more effectively and compassionately minister to hurting children.

The People Behind Hope 4 Hurting Kids

Hope 4 Hurting Kids was founded by Wayne Stocks.  Wayne is a devoted follower of Christ, Husband, Father and Children’s Ministry Worker.  You can learn more about Wayne in these articles:

You can also find out more about Wayne on his personal blog at Dad in the Middle.

Keeping Up With Hope 4 Hurting Kids

There are a number of options for you to keep up-to-date on what is happening at Hope 4 Hurting Kids.

Subscribe to Our Site

The best way to keep up to date on everything going on at Hope 4 Hurting Kids is to subscribe to receive an e-mail every time something new is published on the site. You can subscribe by entering your e-mail in the box on the right on any page at Hope 4 Hurting Kids. This will ensure that you always know what’s going on, and as an added bonus you can catch up on the older material from Divorce Ministry 4 Kids as we republish old material fresh on Hope 4 Hurting Kids.


Follow Hope 4 Hurting kids on Facebook by liking this page.

If you work with hurting kids in any capacity, you can request to join our private Facebook discussion group where we share information and ideas on how to help the kids we are working with.


Hope 4 Hurting Kids is on Twitter @hope4hurtkids (We know @hope4hurtingkids would make more sense. Unfortunately Twitter limits the number of characters in our user name).


Divorce Ministry 4 Kids never had an Instagram account. Hope 4 Hurting Kids does. You can find us at @hope4hurtingkids.


Hope 4 Hurting Kids has an extensive presence on Pinterest for quite some time. You can find us at @Hope4HurtKids (again we ran up against naming conventions).

RSS Feed

If you use a blog reader to keep up to date, make sure to add our feed at https://hope4hurtingkids.com/feed/.

E-mail Us

You can also get in touch with us by e-mail at wayne@hope4hurtingkids.com.

I Want to Submit An Article to Hope 4 Hurting Kids.  What Do I Do?

We would love to read your article.  Please submit your article to wayne@Hope4HurtingKids.comand make sure you include “ARTICLE SUBMISSION” somewhere in the subject line*.  In addition to your article, please submit a brief biography to be published along with the article.  We do not have published criteria for guest writers, but we would suggest that you browse the site to make sure your article is consistent with our mission and purpose.

*By submitting your article to Hope 4 Hurting Kids, you agree to transfer the rights to that content to Hope 4 Hurting Kids and that it will be distributed in a manner similar to all other content on the site.

Can I Use The Articles from Your Site?

Yes! Yes! Yes! and…..Yes!  Our goal is to train, equip, call and serve and spreading the word is an important part of that.  If you re-post an article on your site or in printed materials, we would ask that you include a link back to the site and attribute the article to its original author.

I Am A Child of Divorce and Hope 4 Hurting Kids

The website I Am A Child of Divorce is related to, and run by the same people as, Hope 4 Hurting Kids. I Am A Child of Divorce was (and is) intended as a site for children suffering through a family disruption who don’t have a person they can turn to for help or understanding. It offers advice, support, people to talk to and a community who can help kids reeling from what is going on in their family.