Most of the content here at Hope 4 Hurting Kids related to dealing with emotions, life in today’s families and/or dealing with trauma and destructive behavior. From time to time though, post inspirational content and tackle other topics or publish articles related to the our work at Hope 4 Hurting Kids. You can find those other articles here.

Wasted Pain
The things we go through don’t always make sense. In the midst of our pain, it is hard to step back and ask what the purpose of it might be. Rest assured of the fact that when you are going through something difficult, God’s plan and God’s desire is to help you to grow stronger and wiser through that pain. It might not be easier to go through, but it is comforting, even in the ...

What Defines You?
Is your family different? Have your parents divorced? Have you done things that you are ashamed of? Did your mom leave when you were young? Did you ever know your Dad? Whatever the environment you are in, or come from, looks like, it doesn’t have to define who you are! It may explain certain things about you, but you don’t have to let it define you! Like the beautiful flower springing up from the dry ...

What’s Your Story?
My mother died days after I turned six years old. For six years, my father raised myself and my three brothers by himself to fulfill a promise he had made to my mother. When I was twelve, my father remarried and we plunged head first into the world of step families. At the time, it all seemed so very normal to me at the same time all the while knowing that my family was different. ...

Merry Christmas from Hope 4 Hurting Kids
No matter where this holiday may find you this year, and no matter what emotional state this holiday finds you in, at Hope 4 Hurting Kids, we want you to know that you are loved and to wish you a very Merry Christmas from Hope 4 Hurting Kids! If you are struggling with this holiday, we encourage you to find help. Check out our various articles on dealing with holidays or one of our Help ...