My Dear Child,
It’s me – your Heavenly Father. I just want you to know I know what you are going through. I collect all of your tears in a bottle, and I understand. I have felt the pain of rejection. I have suffered through the loss of my family. I have had those closest to me betray me, and I know what it is like to wish things could be different but to know that they never can be.
I know that, at times, you feel like you are all alone – like no one else in the world could ever understand what you are going through at this very moment. I know that the people closest to you have disappointed you and left you feeling empty and forlorn. I know that sometimes you see your self as broken and less than lovely.
Today, I want to remind you who you are to me. You are my masterpiece. I created you before the beginning of the world to accomplish great things for me. I put you together in your mother’s womb before your earthly parents even knew you existed, and I predestined your days on earth. You were created in my image, and I know every hair on your head. I know your thoughts. I know your feelings. I know your fears, and I know your dreams. There is nowhere you can go that I am not there. I will never leave you. I will always be there for you.
I gave up everything I had and came to live among my creation 2,000 years ago because I love you. I lived a perfect life in obedience to God because I love you. I died on the cross as an innocent man to pay the penalty you deserve because I love you, and I rose on the third day because I love you.