Love Letter to a Child of Divorce from the Father

Love letter

My Dear Child,

It’s me – your Heavenly Father. I just want you to know I know what you are going through. I collect all of your tears in a bottle, and I understand. I have felt the pain of rejection. I have suffered through the loss of my family. I have had those closest to me betray me, and I know what it is like to wish things could be different but to know that they never can be.

I know that, at times, you feel like you are all alone – like no one else in the world could ever understand what you are going through at this very moment. I know that the people closest to you have disappointed you and left you feeling empty and forlorn. I know that sometimes you see your self as broken and less than lovely.

Today, I want to remind you who you are to me. You are my masterpiece. I created you before the beginning of the world to accomplish great things for me. I put you together in your mother’s womb before your earthly parents even knew you existed, and I predestined your days on earth. You were created in my image, and I know every hair on your head. I know your thoughts. I know your feelings. I know your fears, and I know your dreams. There is nowhere you can go that I am not there. I will never leave you. I will always be there for you.

I gave up everything I had and came to live among my creation 2,000 years ago because I love you. I lived a perfect life in obedience to God because I love you. I died on the cross as an innocent man to pay the penalty you deserve because I love you, and I rose on the third day because I love you.

You see. I created you to be in a relationship with me – an everlasting never-ending relationship, and I made a way for that to happen despite the fact that people rebelled against me. My love does not decrease with time – I have always loved you as much as I do today, and I always will. My love does not depend on how you act – far from it. Your deeds, and the deeds of everyone you know, deserve judgment, yet I love you enough to make another way. It is a way where I paid the full price for your sins so that we can be together. That’s how much I love you.

When you are down, I will lift you up on wings like eagles. When you are angry, I will fill your heart with my joy. When you are hurt, I am the great physician who can heal you. I will stand up for you when everyone else in your life seems to abandon you. I invite you to become a part of my family – an adopted child. In your world people will disappoint you and let you down, but I never will.

When parents divorce, I know that it sometimes causes people to question the very reason for their existence. It is not something that you wanted or ever would have asked for – who would? Divorce was never part of my plan for the world I created. I hate divorce because I know how it impacts everyone involved – including you. But, your parents’ divorce does not make you any less of a child of mine. It does not change how I see you or how much I love you.

I am here for you anytime day or night. You need only to talk to me and call on my name, and you can rest assured that I will answer your prayers. It might not always be the answer you want, but I will answer them in the way that I know is best for you.

In these troubling times, lean on me – I am a rock that never shifts. In these times of change, rely on me – I am the same yesterday, today and forever. In these times of heartache, put your trust in me – I made your heart and I know how to make it new again. You are all together wonderful because I have made you.

Love always,

Your Heavenly Father


This article is updated and adapted from an article originally published on Divorce Ministry 4 Kids on April 09, 2012.

Written by Wayne Stocks
Wayne is the founder and executive director of Hope 4 Hurting Kids. He is a happily married father of four kids with a passion for helping young people who are going through rough times. In addition to Hope 4 Hurting Kids, Wayne previously started I Am A Child of Divorce and Divorce Ministry 4 Kids to help kids who are dealing with the disruption of their parents' relationship. These are now part of Hope 4 Hurting Kids. Wayne speaks frequently at conferences and churches on issues related to helping kids learn to deal with difficult emotions and life in modern families. Wayne lives with his wife, three youngest kids, three dogs and an insane collection of his kids' other pets outside of Columbus, Ohio. In addition to his work with Hope 4 Hurting Kids, Wayne is a partner in a local consulting firm, an avid reader, coaches his son's soccer team and is a proud supporter of Leicester City Football Club (and yes, for those in know, his affinity for the club does predate the 2016 championship). You can reach Wayne at